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Figure 1 | Filaria Journal

Figure 1

From: Human immune responses to infective stage larval-specific chitinase of filarial parasite, Onchocerca volvulus, Ov-CHI-1.

Figure 1

ELISA analysis of the IgG response to recombinant Ov-CHI-1 in human onchocerciasis. Figure 1A, Comparison of the response in sera of endemic individuals from 4 endemic foci with uninfected controls from the United Kingdom. Mean values are indicated by a horizontal line. Figure 1B, Comparison of the response in the sera of infected (INF) and putatively immune (PI) individuals from 4 endemic foci and from uninfected UK controls. Box and whisker plots illustrate the group mean values (horizontal bar), data points falling within the 25th to 75th percentile (boxed) and the range (vertical lines). * P = < 0.05 vs. UK controls † P = < 0.05 vs. Individuals from Eucador

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